The Magic of the Gilbertsville Hullabaloo!
How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.
That statement, attributed to Anne Frank, rings especially true in a small town. One person with an idea can make a positive change simply by planting flowers or painting their porch. It doesn’t need to be anything major. Even the small things won’t go unappreciated by the neighbors. Sometimes those flowers you planted will make someone’s day.

My small town of Gilbertsville, in Otsego County, has a recently-arrived resident with bold, joyous ideas, and seemingly endless motivation to bring good things to life. Tracie Martinetti moved to town in 2021, arriving from Dutchess County, picking a rather tired old Queen Anne and immediately breathing it to life with pink petunias. But Martinetti’s vision doesn’t stop at flowers and front porches, in this case.
No. This is about the “Gilbertsville Hullabaloo” – a community makers’ market event Martinetti organized in 2023. She booked vendors and musicians and enlisted some local baby goats, set up a photo booth, and promoted the thing herself. Hundreds of people came to town. Other local businesses held special events for the day, including baking authentic Italian bread in an al fresco brick oven at the sculpture park and handing out mimosas to shoppers at the local beauty supply store.
Would you roll your eyes if I told you it was magical? The whole town came together. People walked around holding goats and drinks and shopping and taking wacky photo booth photos. And I’m here telling you all about it because there’s another one planned. Consider it your opportunity to experience the so-called “magic” and determine whether I’m nuts, or not.
The 2nd Annual Gilbertsville Hullabaloo will take place Sunday, July 28th from 10 am to 3 pm at the Olde Stone House Emporium, 128 Marion Avenue, in Gilbertsville. (In case of rain, the event will be held on Sunday, August 4th) In addition to the thirty local craftspeople vending their wares, there will be live music, baby goats, face painting, and games and crafts for kids. For those looking to shop, Martinetti says, she has everything from artisanal pottery to farm products. “Candles, quilts, soaps, jewelry,” she says. “Fresh eggs and beef, foraged mushrooms, sourdough bread, and veggies!” For the best experience, cash is preferred – and there is no ATM in town, so plan accordingly.

“People can make a whole day of it,” Martinetti says, pointing out that, beyond the Hullabaloo itself, other local businesses will have special offerings for the day. “Start at the Hullabaloo, walk into the village, stop into a couple of shops, have lunch at the bakery or the Empire House, then go down to the art park.” Indeed, the Empire House, the Dunderburg Gallery, and Badgerface Beauty Supply will be having special offerings for the day, and the Five Kids Bakehouse’s newly opened expansion is fully stocked with gourmet food items and quirky décor – not to mention their fabulous array of pastries, coffees, and sandwiches.
Martinetti, who hails from England, says Gilbertsville reminds her of home with not only its quaint architecture but with its traditions. The Pet Parade, which takes place every year on July 3rd, provides an opportunity for village pets to be seen and known (and sometimes heard!) in advance of the Independence Day fireworks. Started some forty years ago, last year Martinetti began volunteering as coordinator for the event, and this year expanded it to include a pet food donations collection to benefit the local food bank.
Never one to shy away from a creative idea, Martinetti has also curated events for local businesses, including a pop-up dinner and shopping event for 354 Main in Otego. A talented maker in her own right, Martinetti’s shirts and bags can be found at The Gatehouse Café in Morris, and some of her vintage items will be available at the Hullabaloo. Additionally, Martinetti’s living artwork “Moss Havisham” was featured as part of the Butternut Valley Alliance’s outdoor art festival called On the Trail of Art in June.
As for the inspiration for the Hullabaloo, Martinetti credits the town itself. “I’m a great believer in ‘build it and they will come,’” says Martinetti, who started the Hullabaloo in part to connect recently arrived residents with families who’ve been here for generations. “I thought, wouldn’t it be great if we could gather everybody in the village, and bring the new people and old people together?” Simply put, she wanted this thing to exist, this place where the community could coalesce around its creatives – and she made it happen. Was it easy? I don’t know. I only know that the 2nd Annual Gilbertsville Hullabaloo promises to be even more stupendous than the first.

All this is to say, in just three short years Martinetti has carved herself a niche in our community, and, as she’s flourished, she’s brought flourishment to those around her. She didn’t wait a single moment. She didn’t need to. She started improving the world – her world, the world of Gilbertsville – as soon as she got here.
In a Nutshell:
- When: Sunday, July 28th, 10 am to 3 pm (Rain date August 4th)
- Where: 128 Marion Avenue, Gilbertsville, NY
- What: Maker’s market with live music, family fun, and special village events
- FYI: Bring cash for the best shopping experience
Come experience the magic of the Gilbertsville Hullabaloo and see for yourself how one person’s vision can transform a community. We can’t wait to see you there!
Blog Author: Kristina Strain, Owner, Badgerface Beauty Supply
All photos by Tracie Martinetti unless otherwise noted.